Celebrating All Things Left Handed
Illustrious Lefties
Sensational Southpaws who have single left-handedly written the history books and established themselves as the greatest of the great in art, science, sports and entertainment.
Fun Facts
Check out this awesome assortment of random facts and bits of trivia about all things left handed. You just might learn something you didn’t know before!
Out of Left Field
A timely blog with a decidedly “Left wing” point of view. Thoughts for the day, a bit of inspiration, and a laugh or two to brighten one’s day in a right-handed world.
Learn more about our Sensational Southpaws
Essential reading

Essential reading for any parent or teacher of a left-handed child, this book is a practical and comprehensive guide to the challenges your left-handed child may encounter from their first years right through school life and beyond. From basic skills like dressing and handwriting, to learning new sports and musical instruments, this beautifully illustrated book explains common problems caused by right handed bias in equipment and layout and offers ways to help your child harness their natural creativity and problem-solving skills to become adaptable and confident in a right-handed world.